Notes on NFTs

This is a good opinion piece on Cointelegraph:

Throw your Bored Apes in the trash
From carrying medical data to streamlining royalty payments, NFTs serve a variety of important technological purposes. Bored Apes are a demeaning distraction.

Let your ego go and get the message of the piece. Which is, that NFTs need to progress from where they are now – hype – to applications that solve problems. I also think the writer makes a good call on language - that the right description for today's NFTs should be "digital collectibles".

This morning I minted a couple NFTs from a new project called New Here:  

New Here
New Here: A feature film on NFTs + Crypto Art

Why? First, my friend Martin Fisher aka Cypherpunk Now! turned me onto it. If you don't know about Martin's art you should. His website is here:

Cypherpunk Now - Bitcoin Art, Silk-Screen Print, limited series, signed and numbered
Bitcoin Art - Screen Print Posters, limited series, numbered and signed, free worldwide shipping

So I had a look. I think New Here is a clever use of NFTs - NFTs to fund a movie. I also thought their what is it is good: "A documentary film & NFT collection capturing the transformative power of cryptoart". And, there's a business here. The NFT isn't just about hype.

Jaypegs are nothing more than hype. There's no there there. Jaypegs tied to a gaming scheme accomplishes nothing more than keeping poor people down.

Using NFTs to control your health care records or fund a movie solves problems.

Here's to hoping the NFT community is able to take a hard look at itself, the space becomes known for what the technology is best suited for.

tty next time,