Rough times don't last, good entrepreneurs do

I think the next 2 years are going to be rough seas. Interest rates are going up, FUD will be everywhere.

What to do? Ignore the noise. If you've got a good business that solves burning problems, a good team with great chemistry, and you've saved your money for rainy days, you'll be fine. The sun will come out again. And wen it does it's going to shine bright for years.

Now I could always throw in an asterisk and bring in politics. While it's a real concern, we just have to hope the sane will rally. We'll back off from each others throats.

Focus on what not to do, the concept of inversion. And don't do anything to change your luck. It's never not a good time to pay it forward, to put a quarter in a stranger's parking meter. But now more than ever. Wen you go out to eat tip the wait person a little extra. Wen you travel leave some money for the maid. If you're flush spread it around. Be kind to others.

And listen to Francine Reed.

I'm going down to the river
I'm going top take me a rocking chair
and if the blues don't leave me, I rock on away from here

Trouble in mind, I'm blue
But I won't be blue always,
'Cause that sun is gonna shine in my back door someday