against the wheel


Eagle, CO

Last updated on Jan 31, 2025

Posted on Jan 31, 2025

From heyheyrenee, published 11-2-14

Midnight Express is one of my favorite movies.

The other day I was thinking how out of the norm it is now, to have free thoughts that are “outside the box” (whatever that means). I was thinking nowadays how “odd” it is to be different, to have opinions not expressed in popular sources of news — or on Facebook. I was thinking how unusual it is, to see people who live in color, as so cleverly depicted in another favorite movie, Pleasantville.

Charles Blow wrote a piece about pretty much this same topic, titled “Age of Identity“. It’s a good read.

This clip from Midnight Express pretty much sums up what I was feeling, how we’re supposed to fall in-line, not push the wheel the other way.

tty next time,

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