
Total Posts : 31 posts


Obama is elected President, Grant Park 11-4-08

I wrote this on heyheyrenee on Nov 15, 2017. I traveled from Eagle to Chicago to see history when Obama was elected in 2008. I was there in Grant Park when he came out and gave his speech. It was great to be there. What an experience. I remember leaving,

11 Jul 24 2 min read

I'm a proud American sick from the bitching

gm, Yes, last night's debate was hard to watch. I get it, our country is hurting. Ralph Nader has been pointing this out for years. Thomas Frank wrote a great book about it. For too long, I have followed and paid for Twitter accounts who call themselves journalists.

28 Jun 24 1 min read

Read Nuclear War A Scenario

gm, Just finished this outstanding book by Annie Jacobsen. HOME | Annie JacobsenAmazon Apple Books Barnes & Noble Goodreads IndieBound Amazon Apple Books Barnes & Noble Goodreads IndieBound Amazon Apple Books Barnes & Noble…Annie Jacobsen Everyone must read this book. I read it over a week, but could have read

28 Apr 24 4 min read

Jen Perelman is a politician that makes me rally

Howdy, Lately, primarily because of the genocide taking place in Gaza, I've felt that there's no hope with politics. Watching Democrats such as Obama who I once believed in, stand silent while an indigenous population is being exterminated brings me down. I'm a registered

27 Apr 24 2 min read
Free Palestine

Gaza Conflict Q&A

I'm a proud member of Ceasefire Now Roaring Fork Valley. The group and I have put together this document to help people better understand the Gaza Conflict. Two state solution? There’s a mound of evidence to support that the Israeli government has never wanted a two state

27 Feb 24 15 min read

Happy 90th Birthday, Ralph Nader!

In honor of Ralph's 90th birthday today Renee and I voted "Noncommitted" in the Presidential Primary. We do this because as of now, President Biden doesn't deserve our vote. In part, because of him backing the murder of innocent men, women, and children in

27 Feb 24 2 min read

Stephen A. is on point

It's unconscionable to vote R. This is a disgrace. It is inhumane. On Texas’ new immigration bill. pic.twitter.com/baGhpEGLzD — Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) December 19, 2023

20 Dec 23 1 min read

Is this another 60's?

gm, The post preview picture is from Yemen today. There's so much unrest in the world. Millions are calling out Israel's illegal war. UN Special Rapporteur: Israel can’t claim ‘right of self-defence’Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur, has said that Israel cannot claim the right

18 Nov 23 3 min read

No Bill, it's genocide

Tonight I tuned into Bill Maher. I haven't watched in a couple months, I'd tuned him out. Bill called for an end to saying "genocide". The Law: The Genocide Convention of 1948, born of the Holocaust, defines the crime of genocide in Article 2

29 Oct 23 2 min read
Field Notes

A message of hope from Katherine Stewart

I've been bummed out about the state of our nation. I'm my Mother's son, I get too emotional. Millions believe Trump won, don’t believe there was insurrection, believe the “free speech” excuse for the coup to overthrow our government. My gawd. They tried

21 Aug 23 2 min read
Field Notes

America - ?

gm, I'm always wondering about America. Today my hope, is that all the turmoil we're in is just part of the struggle and what makes our country great. But I'm also concerned and somewhat afraid - and I know the latter is not healthy.

13 Aug 23 1 min read
Field Notes

George Monbiot is a good bloke

I'm done posting on Twitter. But I do still doom scroll. I have a thing for English blokes and commoners. I love 'em. Just came across this from this bloke George Monbiot. It's 2 minutes of must see tv. This might be my favourite 2

10 Aug 23 1 min read

Hey Young People - Be Like This Young Woman

At the Phish Tour opener Wednesday night in Rogers AR Tommy [https://www.heyheyrenee.com/2015/10/18/phish-dicks/] and I sat next to this young woman. I'm always wanting to talk to younger people, see where they're at. So I said howdy. She lives in

31 Jul 21 1 min read

About Daniel Berrigan

Daniel Joseph Berrigan SJ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_Jesus] (May 9, 1921 – April 30, 2016) was an American Jesuit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Society_of_Jesus] priest, anti-war [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-war_movement] activist, Christian pacifist [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_pacifism], playwright,

18 May 21 1 min read

Garrison Keillor Summer Love Tour

This was the first post on heyheyrenee, back on 8.30.2010. The 2nd link is broken, I left it that way intentionally. Garrison was fired from the show he brought to the radio for allegations of sexual misconduct. I think, firing him was bullshit. I had the pleasure and

30 Aug 10 2 min read