
Total Posts : 4 posts

Bad Signs

Bad Signs

Howdy, I first started writing these posts on heyheyrenee.com in 2017, when I noticed people getting the peace sign wrong - using the Mercedes logo. For me, this foretold a bad sign. Today, Cory Doctorow calls it enshittification. The June 30 2019 was the biggest offender – until today. Today

17 Jun 24 3 min read

Minting NFTs is better, but still has a long ways to go

gm, I just minted this Prohibition Art NFT on the base network. Prohibition: Open Generative Art NFT Platform | Prohibition.artProhibition is an open, onchain generative art NFT platform built on Art Blocks Engine and deployed on Arbitrum, an Ethereum Layer 2. Explore and create generative art NFTs with us.Prohibition:

24 May 24 3 min read

We told you enshittification would happen

Last week I was introduced to a new word - enshittification. It's one word that defines what I wrote about for years on heyheyrenee.com, pieces such as this one. Welcome, Robot Overlords. Please Don’t Fire Us?paulie Put simply, enshittification means everything is going to shit.

04 Apr 24 25 min read