
Total Posts : 18 posts


Obama is elected President, Grant Park 11-4-08

I wrote this on heyheyrenee on Nov 15, 2017. I traveled from Eagle to Chicago to see history when Obama was elected in 2008. I was there in Grant Park when he came out and gave his speech. It was great to be there. What an experience. I remember leaving,

11 Jul 24 2 min read
Bad Signs

Bad Signs

Howdy, I first started writing these posts on heyheyrenee.com in 2017, when I noticed people getting the peace sign wrong - using the Mercedes logo. For me, this foretold a bad sign. Today, Cory Doctorow calls it enshittification. The June 30 2019 was the biggest offender – until today. Today

17 Jun 24 3 min read

We told you enshittification would happen

Last week I was introduced to a new word - enshittification. It's one word that defines what I wrote about for years on heyheyrenee.com, pieces such as this one. Welcome, Robot Overlords. Please Don’t Fire Us?paulie Put simply, enshittification means everything is going to shit.

04 Apr 24 25 min read

Looking back at the $GME GameStop story

Howdy, I watched "Eat the Rich: The GameStop Saga" on Netflix last night. I thought it was entertaining and accurate. I started paying attention to the $GME story about a year after I got into crypto. I wrote a blog post about it on heyheyrenee - Pay attention

29 Jan 23 3 min read

Microsoft getting their mojo back

I wrote this March 2012, back wen it wasn't popular to side with Microsoft. Today, Microsoft dominates the server space and gaming. Their cloud platform is outstanding. Blazor is the primo framework to use for building interactive client-side web UI apps. C# developers are everywhere. They're

11 Sep 22 1 min read

Nest thermostats

From March 2012 on heyheyrenee. We were on the waiting list for the 1st Nest thermostats. I knew they were going to make a dent, they did. #### The guys who designed the iPod designed a thermostat. That's right, a thermostat. We have 5, they're the best.

11 Sep 22 1 min read

"The Right to Privacy", Warren and Brandeis

I posted this on heyheyrenee.com on March 14, 2012 #### Published in the Harvard Law Review, December 15th, 1890. This is on zeldab.com, but it deserves its own shout out. If you read this and still think there's no right to privacy, eh, you're mistaken.

11 Sep 22 1 min read
Field Notes


This was the 2nd post on my first blog, heyheyrenee, from 8.30.2010. After I sold my first company in 2000 I needed something to do. So I built a treehouse. It was great, I spent a lot of time in it, like the week or so when I

08 Aug 22 2 min read

Dear Jesus, Please save us from your followers

gm, This is a post from heyheyrenee that I wrote on 12.15.19. “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” —- Mahatma Gandhi “Jesus was a socialist.” The title of this post and the two above quotes come from

15 Dec 19 2 min read

Invest in Education

I wrote this on March 14, 2012. #### Our culture, our children, are falling behind each day. In China, kids march and wear uniforms. Average students take high level math classes at an early age. Our kids need to understand they’ll not only be competing against others in the room

14 Mar 12 3 min read

beyond pesticides

This is one of my first posts I wrote in March 2014 concerning the environment. I've edited the post to note broken links. It's an important piece, why we stopped using pesticides years ago. One of the big reasons why our planet is crumbling is the

14 Mar 12 1 min read

Apple Media Center

This is the first post I wrote in March 2012 covering what I needed to do to get my music and media to go from my devices to my stereo or tv. Now you just click Airplay. So I've managed to put together a media center that'

12 Mar 12 1 min read

Privacy will be a central issue

This was the first post I wrote on heyheyrenee about privacy, on March 12, 2012. I'd write a lot about privacy. This post is about zeldaB, a site we created circa 2007. zeldaB was the world's first private social network. The site never went anywhere, because

12 Mar 12 2 min read

Another boom is on the way

This post was first posted on heyheyrenee on 3-1-2012 ##### dialogic - video, voice & data solutions I started in tech in 1990, doing computer telephony apps. See this link... In my first business plan I wrote, "The center of commerce and communications will not be the PC -- it&

01 Mar 12 1 min read

Garrison Keillor Summer Love Tour

This was the first post on heyheyrenee, back on 8.30.2010. The 2nd link is broken, I left it that way intentionally. Garrison was fired from the show he brought to the radio for allegations of sexual misconduct. I think, firing him was bullshit. I had the pleasure and

30 Aug 10 2 min read