This is a post I wrote in June 2020, on my blog.
Note at the end I wrote, “I think things are going to get worse before they get better. I hope until then, wars don’t break out. Maybe they already have?”.
I was right.
I’m a Gore Vidal Liberal. I believe in the discussion of all thoughts. I don’t agree with the right, but I’ll defend their right to speech.
Last night I took a walk through one of the Denver encampments at the Governor’s Mansion. It didn’t go well.
What I saw last night were people going about things the wrong way. Instead of doing the hard work necessary to create change, they’ve decided to get out in front of their skis and take over public property. Voting? Volunteering time or donating money to representatives who support their beliefs? Not so much.
If you disagree with them, you’re instantly a racist. It’s their way or nothing. That’s a turn off and the wrong message. It flies in the face of what they claim to believe, freedom of speech.The encampments in Denver, the protests in Portland, are sending the wrong message. As does taking down statues, any attempt to erase history, and campuses that don’t welcome unpopular and controversial speakers.
Are the messages representative of the Democratic Party? I hope not. No Democrat I know supports their views.
The BLM movement -- and the KKK -- have the right to peaceful assembly. But taking over public property crosses the line into violence, what Dr. King was against. Taking over public property denies my right to enjoy a peaceful walk around the Governor’s Mansion. Not cool.Occupy Portland and the Denver encampments should never have been allowed. Because we’re a nation of laws. If you don’t like the laws, change them. But until then, don't tread on me.
Evict them, do it today. They can resume their protest, I hope they do. Hopefully peacefully, as law abiding citizens. If not, there's consequences.
I think things are going to get worse before they get better. I hope until then, wars don’t break out. Maybe they already have?