Back in June '021 I tweeted that crypto Twitter was praising El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele for buying Bitcoin, while ignoring the fact that he's a brutal dictator.
@BitcoinMagazine has a new low.
— spinbackwards.eth (@spinbackwards) June 9, 2021
Now they're not only ignoring the fact that Nayib Bukele charges women with homicide for having a miscarriage or an abortion.
They're doing it in the name of God.
"And your flag decal won't get you
Into Heaven any more."
- John Prine
Breaking news:@worldofwomennft announces partnership with El Salvador President Nayib Bukele.
— spinbackwards.eth (@spinbackwards) January 12, 2022
When it was pointed out to WoW's founder that Bukele imprisons and charges women with homicide for having an abortion, she seemed shocked - "I'll look into that".
It'll be a great day in crypto when the community condemns the human rights violations that routinely occur in El Salvador and calls out Nayib Bukele for what he really is - a brutal thug, instead of praising him for pumping his bags of Bitcoin.
— spinbackwards.eth (@spinbackwards) February 10, 2022
Now the right is praising him, he's their darling.

It's shocking that so many in our country praise such a terrible human being. It's their right, for sure. But it's also our right to stand against them and for what we believe in. Here's to hoping that's happening - en masse. And that we outnumber them by far.
tty next time,