Back in 2021 my friend J. Harry Edmiston turned me onto Micha Klein's forthcoming NFT project, Crypto-Pills. I had never heard of Micha before so I took a look.
The first thing that caught my eye was Micha's hook statement "Virtual medicine for a sick society". I thought it was clever. I still think it's clever. Because we certainly are, a sick society in so many ways. So I took a deeper dive.
Back then anyone with basic graphic design skills was plucking the money falling off the trees in NFTs. Most NFT art was amateurish at best. Not the Pills. They were very well done - hi resolution, detailed. And colorful, which I love.
Then I came to find out that Micha is a very successful artist. Like, seriously successful. Crypto-Pills are inspired by his iconic ‘Pillman’ character, conceived at the height of 90’s rave culture and popularized further by Eminem when featured as a digital backdrop to his Anger Management Tour (2000).
Check out Micha's CV here. His art has been shown in galleries all over the world.
So I find out Micha is an OG and a force in the art world. The Pills are cool. I'm in. Here's a few of what I still have:

Once NFTs started to bomb I lost track of Micha's project. But then one day Micha contacted me to make sure I'd received all the merch I'd ordered. In his email Micha was genuinely concerned that I got each of what I ordered. I was both shocked and impressed. For someone of Micha's stature to even bother contacting me, blew me away. About a swag order? OMG. It put a big smile on my face.
Since then Micha has done a Bitcoin Ordinal project – Bitcoin Pills. I can't explain how Bitcoin Ordinals work. But I figured I'd buy a couple just because it's Micha. One good deed deserves another. Here's two. They're fun!

Credit to Micha that throughout the crypto crash, he was never fazed. The market crashed, but not Micha. He kept building. This is what great entrepreneurs do. To this day, Micha spends time in his Discord answering questions and interacting with his fans. I wish more artists would follow what Micha does.
I haven't been active in Micha's Discord since the summer. But I keep an eye on it. Note to self: drop back in.
If you're interested in learning more about Micha, join his Discord. Maybe you'll take the Pill?
tty next time,